Launch a Customer Panel from your Customer Feedback
Why not expand your Customer Feedback Program and launch a Customer Panel?

Running a customer feedback program is great for generating general feedback from your customer base.

Often though, you need to delve deeper and extract more detail than provided by your standard Feedback Program. This is where you may enlist the services of a Research company...

Expensive, slow, sometimes with disappointing outcomes.

What is a Panel?

A panel is a group of customers (or non-customers) that have agreed to provide feedback. These customers can be used for a number of tasks but typically we can get their opinion on something - for example a new product launch.

Flow Panel

Flow CX provides all the functionality to create, run and analyse a customer panel.

The process is simple - customers are identified via responses to the regular Customer Feedback Program.

This can be way of an opt in question, or post feedback by analysing their responses. This allows for identifying the best candidates based on their feedback.

Once identified - we invite the customer to join the panel. We can also add incentives such as discounts, prize draws and other rewards.

Customer Profiling

Once a customer is added to the panel, we can profile them. We use a survey to step through relevant questions to gather fields that we can use for segmentation - e.g. age, gender, income bracket...

It is important to gather as much profile data as we can - always being mindful that it must be relevant to our reporting needs. Our approach to profiling is start with the most important data points to ensure we populate these first.


Once we have our customer panel complete with profile data, we can segment the panel. For example we may wish to survey high income earners. Flow provides the tools to filter customers and save to what we call a Segment. This Segment can be used for generating Surveys.


Flow provides a full Survey tool which can be used to create complex surveys if required. Once the survey is created, it is just a case of launching a campaign with the Survey and the Segment of target customers.


The Flow Panel provides a dashboard for monitoring how a survey is progressing - we may have targeted a certain number of responses for example.

As the results are collected, we can leverage Flow Reporting and Text Analysis to understand the data.


Some panels do not require incentives, but if we find that responses need a boost - we can generate rewards. Flow has a rewards module than can generate rewards upon Response completion.

Like to know more?

Book a time to discuss how we can help.