Flow - Rental Car Manager
Integrated Solution
Rental Car Manager (RCM) Partnership

We have partnered with Rental Car Manager to deliver a powerful integrated solution.

Out of the box Functionality

We know what works in the Rental Car Industry.

Our rapid implementation will deliver a fully integrated solution in under a week.

Our industry solution is based on years of experience and delivers to you an instant Customer Feedback Platform.

Net Promoter Score, Customer Satisfaction with Flow CX
We make customer feedback easy
Multiple Locations

Our solution captures feedback across multiple locations allowing insights and comparison of location performance.

Quickly identify and address location specific issues.

Empower Branch Managers to improve with measurable KPI's.

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Multi site Customer Feedback with Flow CX
Multiple Touchpoints

Our platform enables feedback at multiple points on the Rental Car journey.

Get feedback post booking, post pick-up, during the rental and after drop-off.

Use customer feedback to identify points in the customer lifecycle that need to be addressed.

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Text Analytics with Flow CX
Resolve customer issues

Let's face it, sometimes things go wrong.

The Flow service management module allows customers to quickly let you know about their issue

Our assignment engine will assign issues to the relevant person, be it a Branch Manager or somebody in Head Office.

We manage the process right through to resolution.

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Service Recovery with Flow CX
Manage your online reputation

Increasingly we live in an online world connected by social media. So does your brand.

Looking good online is now a necessity - people make buying decisions based on what others are saying about you.

We ensure that your happy customers tell others about their positive experience.

Find out How
Online Reputation Management with Flow CX
Rental Car Manager Connector

Connecting Rental Car Manager to Flow is easy.

The connection is managed through RCM Automations.

There are no additional costs and connection is a standard admin task.

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Flow CX
Fully Managed Service

Unlike other platforms, our solution is fully backed by our local team.

We manage your feedback program, from survey design through to responding to online reviews.

Our full suite of services means you can concentrate on your business and leave the feedback in our capable hands.

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Customer Experience Experts - Flow CX