Why we avoid Long Complex Customer Experience Surveys
Long Customer Experience Surveys are fraught with problems

Typical problems include:

  • Customers don't have the time to fill them out
  • Only certain types of customers will fill them out
  • Not appropriate for regular use to the same customer
  • To be effective must be designed by a market researcher
  • Often don't capture what the customer wants to say
  • Are static and not able to capture 'emerging' business trends

The alternative

The alternative is to dramtically reduce the Survey footprint. Do we really need to ask all those questions? If yes is the answer then think again. Most of the time we get the same answers by asking a fraction of the questions. The Flow Approach can provide a surprisingly good outcome with just 2 questions

  • Question 1 - the most important question up front an NPS rating.
  • Question 2 - the next most important question - an open ended comments question

We typically have a few more questions, mainly to capture whether the customer has had a problem or is a potential reviewer but as a minimum the first 2 questions provide us enough to deliver some outstanding intelligence.

How it works

Flow uses text analysis to turn the comments data into structured data. The structured data delivers the business drivers and will

  • Identify what customers are actually saying to us. Not what we think they need to tell us.
  • Determine both the Positive and the Negative weighting of a business Driver
  • Identify emerging trends - not the static items hard coded into a long survey
  • Identify drivers that our Market researcher had no idea about when building a long survey

Some Key benefits

  • Massively Improved Customer Adoption
  • Quick, fast and easy to deploy
  • Makes the customer opinion the focus, ensuring we understand the customer
  • Ensures we do not ask a bunch of irrelevant questions
  • No need to modify over time, is able to capture dynamically business changes
  • Can be sent to customers regularly providing multi-point lifecycle insight

Like to know more?

Book a time to discuss how we can help.