Better Customer Feedback
Starts here
Customer experience is the new battleground.

According to Forrester, 84% of companies aspire to be a customer experience (CX) leader, but only 1 out of 5 deliver good or great customer experience.

We'll show you the way

You've got a Customer Satisfaction or Net Promoter score, but what will you do next?

At Flow, we show you where to go, why to go there, and how to get there sooner.

We provide a clear roadmap to a better customer experience delivery.

Net Promoter Score, Customer Satisfaction with Flow CX
We make customer feedback better
Know the Gaps

Almost all companies are striving to be customer experience leaders, but many are falling short. Why?

While most companies have some form of customer feedback, often it becomes 'data' rather than 'action and insight'.

We ensure you see the gaps and gain the insight you need to improve.

Find out How
Multi site Customer Feedback with Flow CX
See beyond the score

Scores are helpful, but often the real value of customer feedback is in the unstructured data, like customer comments where they tell you why they gave you a 'zero' or a '10 out of 10'.

But how do you make sense of all this unstructured feedback data?

You use an intelligent CX platform.

Find out How
Text Analytics with Flow CX
Resolve customer issues

Let's face it, sometimes things go wrong.

The good news is, with an active customer feedback program, you'll hear it first.

Once you've heard about it, how do you manage the customer issue or complaint to a satisfactory resolution?

No problem. We've got you covered.

Find out How
Service Recovery with Flow CX
Manage your online reputation

Increasingly we live in an online world connected by social media. So does your brand.

Looking good online is now a necessity - people make buying decisions based on what others are saying about you.

We make it easy for your customers to spread the positive word about your company and improve your online reputation.

Find out How
Online Reputation Management with Flow CX
Added Human Intelligence.

Our intelligent CX platform is only half the story. We're also a team of CX experts.

Find out how we make customer feedback better.

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Customer Experience Experts - Flow CX